Roads Bridges Hotels

Roads, Bridges, Hotels (Hospice du Simplon)

Roads, Bridges, Hotels. 2024
Indian ink on stereographs. series of 56 drawings, each 17.5 × 8.5 cm

Stereograph cards, viewed in special devices, allowed 19th-century audiences to see distant places in 3D. This first photographic mass medium emerged alongside the rise of tourism in the Swiss Alps. New roads, railway lines and guest houses—essential to tourism and the appreciation of a landscape—are prominently featured in these images. Roads, Bridges, Hotels is a series of over fifty drawings on 19th-century stereographs.

Roads, Bridges, Hotels (Le Mont Pilate. Hôtel Klimsenhorn)
Roads, Bridges, Hotels (Hôtel de l’Alpenclup Maderanertal [Uri])
Installation view, Backrooms