Baumoräne, 2024
Borrowed stones, Paraloid B-72, Indian ink, poster
Biennale Bregaglia, 2.6.2024 – 28.9.2024, Bondo (CH)
Countless stones lie in the alleyways, gardens, and barns of Bondo. Stones, that once were brought into the village but are currently not integrated into the architecture, now awaiting their next use. They are borrowed from their owners for the duration of the exhibition and piled up on the edge of the village to form a moraine. Each stone is labelled with a number and recorded in an inventory indicating its origin. After the Biennale, all the stones were returned back to their owners.
The Baumoräne, created for BIENNALE BREGAGLIA 2024, draws on the close connection between Bondo’s architecture and its surrounding landscape. Most building materials originate from the immediate area, and both the landscape and architecture function as dynamic systems, with matter constantly being displaced and rearranged. The 2017 landslide, from which the village is still recovering, starkly illustrated this movement in the landscape. Similarly, when a house in Bondo was demolished, the same stones were often reused to construct something new.
Poster design by Lucian Kunz